We’ve built our CTV/OTT platform differently, with features like dynamic ad breaks, bidding by pod and by slot, and bidding by auction type. Of course, we’re always looking out for ways to prevent ad fraud. That’s why at Smaato, we’re proud to offer in-house SSAI as part of our robust OTT/CTV platform. By bringing server-side ad insertion in house, we not only eliminate an additional vendor cost for our publishers, but also completely eliminate third party SSAI fraud, which is one of the biggest sources of CTV ad fraud.
We also partner with industry leaders like HUMAN, as there is safety in numbers. HUMAN offers collective protection by partnering with huge enterprises and platforms, which helps prevent fraud from even the most sophisticated automated bots.
Plus, we also allow publishers to share a ton of information in each bid request, including genre, series, session, and even episode information. We give publishers an opportunity to include as much information as possible in a bid request so that DSPs or advertisers can get better insight into exactly what they are buying. After all, wonky bid requests (and ones with missing information) are often flagged as fraud.
To learn more about the Smaato CTV/OTT platform, check out this free ebook.