Case Study: Gadsme

Gadsme levels up with new revenue streams: Introducing Prebid and private marketplace segments to lock in diversified demand and stabilize publisher revenue for Gadsme.



revenue growth


iOS publisher revenue growth


fill rate increase
Category: In-App Monetization
Solution: Prebid, Pre-packaged Deals
Region: Global


The team at Gadsme has built an innovative ad platform that offered something many ad companies only dream of: unique ad formats that both publishers and advertisers wanted. Publishers love Gadsme clickable immersive in-game ad units because they’re non-intrusive and don’t pollute the player experience. Advertisers love Gadsme because it delivers an entirely new experience that maximizes awareness in an organic fashion, helping them crush engagement KPIs.

Gadsme knew that their engaging gaming inventory deserved more premium demand, and that they needed to find more advertisers. On top of strengthening demand, Gadsme sought new revenue streams — all while ensuring stability and predictability.


To achieve Gadsme’s objectives of increased demand and stable, diversified revenue, the supply team at Smaato (part of Verve) rolled out a series of recommendations each quarter of 2023.

First, Smaato whitelisted suppliers with multiple demand partners, and experimented with price points with the API account. The team also enabled Smaato’s multi-ad formats at the request level. Multi-ad formats help entice demand partners and DSPs by seamlessly pairing available impressions with more bid requests. By the end of Q2, Gadsme’s revenue with Smaato had already increased by 160%.

To keep the momentum going, Smaato created a pre-packaged deal segment for in-gaming, featuring Gadsme inventory. Bundled into private marketplace (PMP) deals, this segment opened another revenue stream and helped Gadsme improve outcomes for their in-gaming clients. Meanwhile, Gadsme also enabled its 320×480 ad format with Smaato to offer advertisers even more options.

Finally, Gadsme worked with Smaato to integrate with Prebid, which dramatically transformed their revenue and demand. In addition to growing overall publisher revenue, the new demand from Prebid helped bridge Gadsme’s gap between Android and iOS users.

Put together, these tactics are greater than the sum of their parts. Gadsme’s collaboration with Smaato diversified demand on multiple fronts, boosted revenue, and laid a sturdy foundation for sustainable growth.


  • 697% YoY revenue growth (2023 vs. 2022)
  • 113% revenue growth from Prebid integration (Q3 vs. Q2, 2023)
  • 475% iOS publisher revenue growth (H2 vs. H1, 2023)
  • 242% higher fill rate
  Gadsme's revenue increased by almost 700% with Smaato / Verve.

Before the Prebid integration, almost 80% of Gadsme’s publisher revenue came from Android. After implementing Prebid with Smaato, Gadsme saw a more balanced split of 60% Android and 40% iOS. To achieve this, iOS revenue grew by 475%, and overall revenue quadrupled from the first half of 2023 to the second half.

Adding a Prebid integration with Smaato and Verve unlocked new demand for Gadsme, especially among iOS users.

To top off Gadsme’s exciting growth in demand and revenue, they also saw major gains in fill rate, which more than tripled year-over-year.

Fill rates increased year over year from 2022 to 2023

The Gadsme and Smaato (Verve) partnership grew extensively throughout 2023 — the increase in revenues being driven by advancements of Gadsme’s performance driven immersive in-game technology, coupled with an ever-increasing source of premium gaming supply. Smaato (Verve) was able to leverage innovative monetization solutions with their global advertiser base that we know will drive continued growth through 2024. Immersive in-game advertising continues to flourish and we’re excited about our partnership with them.

Eashen Rhodes | Head of Programmatic, Gadsme

About Gadsme

Gadsme is a premium immersive in-game ad monetization platform, specializing in the gaming and eSports industries. With non-intrusive ad formats that prioritize user experience, Gadsme’s offerings range from unique, clickable performance-based in-game units across video, display, and audio ads. Backed by UbiSoft and Galaxy Interactive, Gadsme works with the largest gaming publishers and advertisers worldwide. Gadsme serves the entire advertising world with measurable KPIs and revenue maximization for game studios.

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