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The Mobile Games Playbook

Advertisers shouldn't underestimate the power of mobile games. The Mobile Games Playbook whitepaper delivers actionable insights into in-game advertising.

An Advertiser’s Guide to Leveling Up In-App Campaigns

The average smartphone user spends nearly one hour per day playing mobile games. That means over 25% of consumers’ total mobile time goes to mobile games — compared to just 7% of total mobile ad spending! This gap between consumer engagement and ad spending represents a huge opportunity for brands to get noticed in mobile games, and advertisers can no longer underestimate the power and importance of this engrossing medium.

The Mobile Games Playbook delivers actionable insights on the four features that make mobile games so attractive for advertising:

  • Innovative Environment: The fun and relaxing nature of mobile games combined with their rich and dynamic environment without the risk of user-generated content creates a positive and brand-safe environment for advertising.
  • High-Scoring Reach: Smartphones put digital gaming in the hands of billions of people worldwide, making gaming more accessible and personal than ever before. Discover how to leverage the size and diversity of this unique audience with in-game advertising.
  • Engaged Players: Mobile gaming content is highly-engaging, driving app usage and ad engagement rates that are much higher than in other app categories. Learn more about how these users respond to in-game ads.
  • Winning Ad Formats: Home to the industry’s most innovative ad formats, mobile games make it easy for advertising to succeed. From rewarded video to interactive ads, find out how to take advantage of the in-game ad formats that have been proven to be preferred by consumers and most effective for brands.

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