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Tips for Publishers

What are Splash Ads? Ad Formats

What are splash ads?

CTV moneteization and IAB's TCF v2.2 interview with Sourcepoint CTV

What CTV publishers need to know to comply with IAB’s consent framework v2.2

What are FAST channels? CTV

What are FAST channels?

5 strategies for gaming publishers to enhance user ad experience Ad Formats

5 strategies to enhance user ad experience: a guide for gaming publishers

Interview about CTV and addressability with Davide Rosamilia, ID5 Addressability

Addressability in CTV: In conversation with Davide Rosamilia, ID5’s Director of Product Management

Full-screen ad formats and benefits for publishers Ad Formats

Full-Screen Ad Formats – Benefits for Publishers and Users

Ad Formats: What’s most effective for web, in-app, and CTV? Ad Formats

Ad Format FAQs: What’s most effective for web, in-app, and CTV?

Updates to Smaato’s Native Video and Native Rich Media Support Tips for Advertisers

Updates to Smaato’s Native Video and Native Rich Media Support

Tips for Advertisers

Smaato + LiveRamp Integration: Get to Know RampIDs

2022 Trend Alert: Mobile Gaming is Here to Stay Industry Trends

2022 Trend Alert: Mobile Gaming is Here to Stay


OTT Blog Series: Role of Ad Podding in the Future of CTV

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